Dr. Daniela Ortiz dos Santos

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Professur für Architekturgeschichte

Scientific Coordination of the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA)

Beratung für
  • BA Kunstgeschichte
  • Master Kunstgeschichte

Daniela Ortiz dos Santos is an architect and an architectural historian, whose work is at the crossroads of the cultural studies of art, literature and architecture. She studied Architecture and Urbanism in Buenos Aires (UBA) and in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and received her PhD in History and Theory of Architecture from the ETH Zurich.

Daniela's research, teaching, and curatorial activities focus on transatlantic architectural history and historiography. The intersection of international organizations and intellectual migration has been useful to an ongoing project that explores Latin America as a category and the architectural historiography of the region during the Cold War era. Entitled 'UNESCO Making Architecture Culture,' it explores the different forms of instrumentalization of culture and the arts, as well as the role of this organization in exercising a regional integration movement. 

Daniela is currently a fellow of the Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe (JQYA), being awarded a sabbatical fellowship for the Winter Semesters 2022. 

In 2022, she conceived the symposium “Architectural History and International Organizations" at the Goethe University (June), authored the chapter “Italian Roots in Latin American Architectural History" for the anthology Italian Imprints on Twentieth-Century Architecture published by Bloomsbury, and co-edited the publication Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis (ARCH+. February 2022), as well as a special edition on archives and architecture at the Scientific Journal of Architecture of the University of Brasilia Paranoá (January 2022).

Her work has also appeared in international conference proceedings organized by the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), the Documentation and Conservation of the buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement (DOCOMOMO), the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and the Iberian-American Network of Urban History.

Since 2018, Daniela has served as a scientific coordinator of the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA), a research cluster between the art history department of the Goethe University, the architecture department of the Technical University Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum.  She is also an Associate Fellow at the laboratório de estudos urbanos (leU-UFRJ) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.




  •  Italian Roots in Latin American Architectural History" (2022). In Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach (eds), Italian Imprints on Twentieth-Century Architectural. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 265-277, https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/italian-imprints-on-twentiethcentury-architecture-9781350257726/
  •   Anthropophagic Affairs: Le Corbusier, Paulo Prado and New World Revolutions." (2021) LC.Revue de recherches sur Le Corbusier, n.3 (2021): 62-75. Web. 30 March, 2021, https://polipapers.upv .es/index.php/LC/article/view/14807
  •   Invisible Files in Visible Institutions. Notes on Max Cetto's Papers" (2020), in CRITIQUE D'ART. Nr. 54 (Spring 2020): 123-143, https://journals.openedition.org/critiquedart/62131
  •   Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis, ARCH+, N. 246 (2022), guest editor with Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Torsten Lange, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos and Gabrielle Schaad, https://archplus.net/de/archiv/ausgabe/246/
  •   Arquitetura, Arquivos e Acervos (2022),thematic issue of the Scientific Journal Paranoá: Cadernos de arquitetura e urbanismo, guest editor with Maria Cristina Leme and Liz Sandoval, Spring 2022, https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/paranoa/issue/view/2401


  •  “Rewriting Landscapes of the Honorable Cannibal: Le Corbusier and Modern Visions of the World to Come", in Kirsten Kramer, Marius Littschwager and Julian Gaertner (eds.), Traveling, Narrating, Comparing. Travel Narratives of the Americas from the 18th to the 20th Century. Goettingen: at Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, (forthcoming)
  •  Bauhaus Clouds, Challenges to the Nebula of Architectural Histories and Archives, co-edited with Carsten Ruhl and Oliver Elser, Weimar: MBOOKS (forthcoming).


  • Architectural and Urban History and Historiography
  • Architectural Archives/Archiving Architecture
  • Architecture and Gender Studies
  • Questions of Travel and Displacement
  • Cultural history and International History of the Atlantic World


  • Sabbatical Fellowship Award (2022), Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe, Germany
  • Open Access Publications Award (2022), Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe, Germany
  • GRADE Junior Research Fellowship Award (2021), FOCUS LINE A/B Program of the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers, Germany
  • Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowship (2021), Society of the Architectural Historians, United States of America
  • Grantee of Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia Funding and Cultural Promotion Award (2019) for the exhibition and workshop “Moving Constructions" at the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, Portugal
  • SNF Research Scholarship (2012-2015), Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland
  • CNPq Research Scholarship Program for Full Doctoral Studies Abroad (2012), Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil
  • CCA Collection Research Grant (2012), Canadian Centre for Architecture, Canada
  • D-ARCH/ETHZ PhD Scholarship (2011) ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • CAPES Scholarship for Master's Students (2008-2009), Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education, Brazil
  • Honorable Mention from the Brazilian Architects Institute in Rio de Janeiro (2008) for the research project on Brazilian Modern Houses, carried out at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Academic and Scientific Experience

  • April 2018 – to date: Lecturer at the Art History Department of the Goethe University (GU) in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
  • April 2018 – to date: Coordinator of the Centre for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA), the research cluster of the GU, the TU Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
  • August 2017 – January 2018: Lecturer at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, D-ARCH/ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
  • June 2017: PhD Exam defended at Department of Architecture of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Supervisor: Professor Dr. em. Ákos Moravánszky (gta/D-ARCH/ETH); Co-supervisors: Prof. em. Arthur Rüegg (D-ARCH/ETH), Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira (PROURB-FAU-UFRJ), and Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder (gta/D-ARCH/ETH); Title: "Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier: Voyages, Affinities and Anthropophagy". SNSF Research Project.
  • July 2010 – to date: Associate Fellow, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Member of the Laboratory of Urban Studies (LeU UFRJ) headed by Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira.
  • July 2012 – September 2012: PhD fellow at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal (Canada).
  • April 2009 – June 2010: Research for the Institut pour la ville en mouvement (IVM), Paris (France). Research Project ‘Ganar la calle! Compartir sin dividir’ headed by Prof. A. Borthagaray (http://ganarlacalle.org).
  • 2009: Master's Degree in Urbanism. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira.
  • January 2008 – December 2009: Lecturer at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Laboratory of Urban Studies (LeU UFRJ).
  • 2007: Degree in Architecture. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Supervisor: Professor Dr. Beatriz Santos de Oliveira. Final Grade of the Diploma’s Project: Excellent.
  • August 2006 - December 2007: Scientific Assistant at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Laboratory of Urban Analysis and Digital Representation (Laurd) headed by Prof. Dr. R. Segre.
  • September 2005 – June 2006: Research Fellow at the Fondation Le Corbusier (France).

"Displacement and the Making of Modern Architecture: A South-South Perspective" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the International Conference Revisiting the Post-CIAM Generation: debates, proposals and intellectual framework, forthcoming publication.
"Practices of Traveling Between Architecture and Literature. American Encounters, New World Writing and the Modern Movement" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the Symposium Traveling, Narrating, Comparing. Travel Narratives of the Americas from the 18th to the 20th Century, forthcoming publication.
"Scenes of the Worlds to Come: Lucio Costa and Le Corbusier as Filmmakers" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the 37th International Congress of the Latin America Studies Association, forthcoming publication.
"Displacement and the Making of Latin American Architectural History" (2019), accepted paper to be presented in the EAHN conference Displacement & Domesticity Since 1945 in Brussels, forthcoming publication.
"Blaise Cendrars et Le Corbusier: villes et voyages utiles" (2018), in Komodo21 Blaise Cendrars en Correspondance, n.9 available online at < http://komodo21.fr/blaise-cendrars-corbusier-villes-voyages-utiles/>.
"Le Corbusier And The Americas: Affinities, Appropriations and Anthropophagy" (2015). In Jorge Torres, ed., Proceedings of Le Corbusier, 50 Years Later International Conference. Valencia, November 2015. available online at <http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/LC2015/LC2015/paper/viewFile/918/1328>.DOI:10.4995/LC2015.2015.
"Espaços, tempos, memórias e arquiteturas. Le Corbusier e Sigfried Giedion" (2014), with Margareth da Silva Pereira. Proceedings of the 3rd National Meeting of the Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture, available online at <http://www.anparq.org.br/dvd-enanparq-3/htm/Artigos/ST/ST-CDR-018 2_PEREIRA.SANTOS.pdf>.
"Le Corbusier voyageur: arquivos de uma experiência arquitetônica" (2011), with Mário Magalhães. In Sylvia Ficher, ed., Proceedings of the IX Docomomo Brazil Conference: interdisciplinarity and experiences in documentation and preservation of recent heritage. Brasília, July 2011. Available online at Docomomo Brazil webpage <http://docomomo.org.br/course/9-seminario-docomomo-brasil-brasilia/>.
"Le Corbusier and Rio de Janeiro: Time Space and Poetry" (2009). In Anthony Rizzuto, ed., Proceedings of the Annual Dean’s Symposium Le Corbusier Revisited.  Marietta GA: Southern Polytechnic State University, 2009, 29-33.
"Cartas sobre cartas – a contribuição silenciosa brasileira na construção dos primeiros Congressos Internacionais de Arquitetura Moderna" (2009), with Mário Magalhães and Priscilla Peixoto. In Roberto Segre et al., ed., Proceedings of the 8th Docomomo Brazil Conference: Cidade Moderna e Contemporânea: Síntese e Paradoxo das Artes. Rio de Janeiro, September 2009. Available online at Docomomo Brazil webpage: <http://www.docomomo.org.br/seminario%208%20pdfs/071.pdf>
"O resgate da unidade perdida: O teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2009), with Roberto Segre, Fernando Serapião and Thiago Souza. In Carlos Eduardo Comas, Marta Peixoto, Sergio M. Marques, ed., Proceedings of the 7th Docomomo Brazil Conference: O moderno já passado – o passado no moderno: reciclagem, requalificação, rearquitetura. Porto Alegre: Ed. UniRitter, 2009, 139-152.
"Bauhaus Architecture: Reception, Migration and Critique" (2019), proceedings of the CCSA Bauhaus Lecture Series, co-edited with Carsten Ruhl, Christiane Salge and Oliver Elser, forthcoming publication.
"Rio de Janeiro" (2009), with Margareth da Silva Pereira, Meindert Versteeg, Margaretha Grahn. In Andrés Borthagaray, ed., Ganar la calle: compartir sin dividir. Buenos Aires: Infinito, 2009, 30-39.
Guías de Arquitectura Latinoamericana: Rio de Janeiro, (2009), with Roberto Segre and Thiago Souza. Buenos Aires: Arte Gráfico Editorial Argentino, 2009.
"Praça Mauá: um portal dinâmico da Cidade Maravilhosa" (2008), with Roberto Segre. In Max Welch Guerra, Lilian Fessler Vaz and Luciana da Silva Andrade, ed., Os espaços públicos nas políticas urbanas: estudos sobre o Rio de Janeiro e Berlim. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2008, 149-165.
"Moving Constructions/ Construcões em Movimento" (2019). In Archivo, bulletin of the exhibition displayed at Garagem Sul, Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, with André Tavares, Andreas Kalpakci and Jacqueline Maurer.
"gta Films: Publiklation zu einer Ausstellung am gta der ETH Zürich"(2017). In gta Films: 15 films from the gta Archives from 1930 to 1998, with Samia Henni, Andreas Kalpakci and Jacqueline Maurer, Zurich, 29 September 2017 – 20 December 2017.
"Order is Order is Order. Le Corbusier and the Multiple Orders" (2012). Trans magazine 21, (Autumn 2012): 118-123
"O resgate da unidade perdida: o Teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2013). ArchDaily (March 2013), with R. Segre, F. Serapiao and T. L. de Souza, online available at <https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/01-102349/o-resgate-da-unidade-perdida-o-teatro-do-museu-de-arte-moderna-de-affonso-eduardo-reidy-roberto-segre>
"Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier: Voyages, Affinities and Anthropophagy" (2017). PhD diss. ETH Zurich, 2017.
“Pequeno Vocabulário de Le Corbusier” (2009). Master’s thesis. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

Selection of Presentations and Lectures

  • "Narratives of Displacement, the Savage Other and Modern Architecture" (2017). Guest Lecture in the course "Theory of Architecture 1" headed by Dr. Torsten Lange, ETH Zurich, 13 October 2017.
  • "Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier" (2017). Invited speaker at the 2nd Meeting "Correspondências" [Correspondence], Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 20 June 2017.
  • "Main amie et Main ouverte: écrits et histoires croisées entre Blaise Cendrars et Le Corbusier" (2017). Invitation to present a paper at the colloquium "Blaise Cendrars en Correspondance". Paris, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris 3, 27 January 2017.
  • "Le Corbusier And The Americas: From Travel Narratives to A New Architectural Discourse" (2016). Invited speaker at the Critical Thinking Session, Chair of Architecture and Design Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil, Zurich, 20 April 2016.
  • "Le Corbusier And The Americas: Affinities, Appropriations and Anthropophagy" (2015). Selected paper presented at the Conference Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia, 18-20 November 2015.
  • "In Between Travel and Anthropophagy: Le Corbusier, the Favella and the Conquistadores" (2015). Invited speaker at the Critical Thinking Session, Chair of Architecture and Design Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil, Zurich, 22 April 2015.
  • "Espaços, tempos, memórias e arquiteturas. Le Corbusier e Sigfried Giedion" (2014), with M. da Silva Pereira. Selected paper presented at the 3rd National Meeting of the Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism ENANPARQ, Sao Paulo, 20-24 October 2014.
  • "The American Experience and the Baroque Concerns: Notes on Modern’s Re-Emergences of a Crisis Sensibility" (2014), with M. da Silva Pereira and Mario Magalhães. Presentation at the 15th International Baroque Summer Course, Werner Oechslin Library, Einsiedeln, 16-20 June 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier em questão. Temporalidades, representações e visões de mundo acerca do urbanismo 1922-1933" (2014). Lecture presented at the School of Architecture at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 October 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier's Correspondence. A Talk in the gta Archives" (2014). Paper presented at the Doctoral Seminar "Methods in the History of Art and Architecture", ETH Zürich, 16 October 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier Voyageur: Narratives and Representation of Italy" (2014). Lecture at the Seminar Week "A New City [or] Napoli", organized by Guest Prof. A. Bucci ETH Zürich, Albergo Nettuno, Napoli, Italy, 16 March 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier and the Concrete" (2013). Presentation at the PhD Seminars "Materiality in History and Theory of Architecture", organized by the Chair of Theory of Architecture Prof. Dr. Ákos Moravánszky, Zurich, Autumn, 2013.
  • "Routes of Modernity. Le Corbusier and the Journey to Brazil in 1929" (2013). Invited Speaker at Prokalo Seminars, Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Postgraduate Seminar Series, Edinburgh, 23 April 2013.
  • "Le Corbusier, leitor de Michel de Montaigne" (2013). Paper presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory LeU-FAU-UFRJ, organized by Prof. M. Da Silva Pereira and guest critics Prof. Dr. Paola Berenstein, Prof. Dr. Cristina Cabral, Dr. Ana Pessoa and Dr. Guilherme Bueno, Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 1 April 2013.
  • "Des Histories américaines, des histories du Brésil. In between voyages and words: Le Corbusier and Blaise Cendrars’ exchanges and understandings of Brazil" (2013). Selected paper presented at the EAHN/FAUUSP Conference. Architectural Elective Affinities: Correspondences, Transfers, Inter/multidisciplinarity, Universidade de São Paulo, 21-24 March 2013.
  • "Le véritable Voyage" (2013). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Dr. Lukasz Stanek, ETH Zürich, 5 March 2013.
  • "Le Corbusier and the Journey to Brazil in 1929" (2012). Selected paper presented at the 3rd Nomad Seminar in Historiography. Narratives of Travel Writing and Architectural History. Middle East Technical University-Ankara, Turkey, 8-9 November 2012.
  • "Images to Poetic Reaction. Le Corbusier as Photographer" (2012). Paper presented at the PhD Seminars "Le Corbusier et la Photographie", organized by Prof. Tim Benton, EPFL Lausanne, Spring 2012.
  • "Le Corbusier and Blaise Cendrars" (2011). Paper presented at the 1st Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory, organized by Prof. Margareth Pereira and guest critics Prof. Dr. Cecilia Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Ivone Salgado and Dr. Ana Pessoa, Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 13 December 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars and the Brazilian Adventure. The architect's readings of the poet's work" (2011). Invited speaker at the Werkstatt für Kulturgeschichte. Kolloquium für Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, gta/ETH Zürich, 5 December 2011.
  • "Biographies et discours croisés: Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars and the Brazilian Adventure" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Mark Jarzombek, ETH Zürich,16 September 2011.
  • "Biographies et discours croisés: Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars et l'aventure brésilienne" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Seminars Les idées de Le Corbusier, organized by Prof. Tim Benton, EPFL Lausanne, Spring 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier voyageur" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Alessandra Ponte, ETH Zürich, 10 February 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier in travelling: imaginaries and representations of Brazil, 1929" (2010). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, ETH Zürich, 24 August 2010.
  • "Cartas sobre cartas – a contribuição silenciosa brasileira na construção dos primeiros Congressos Internacionais de Arquitetura Moderna CIAM" (2009). Selected paper presented at the 8th Seminar Docomomo Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-4 September 2009.
  • "Twentieth-century History of the Theories of Urbanism" (2008-2009). A series of 32 lectures held at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2008 – July 2009.
  • "Le Corbusier and Rio de Janeiro: Time, Space and Poetry" (2009). Selected paper presented at the Annual Dean’s Architecture Symposium. Le Corbusier: Architecture, Urbanism and Theory, Southern Polytechnic State University, Atlanta, USA, 26-28 February 2009.
  • "On Morro da Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro" (2009). Lecture at the workshop Design & Build Brazil. Formal and Informal City, Department of Architectural Engineering of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 February 2009.
  • "O resgate da unidade perdida: O teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2007). Selected paper presented at the 7th Seminar Docomomo Brasil, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 22-24 October 2007.
  • "1945-1970: How the media built Brazilian architecture" (2004), with Beatriz Santos de Oliveira. Selected paper presented at the 8th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Columbia University, New York, 26 September - 2 October 2004.

Organization of Seminars and Colloquia
  • 2019: Moving Constructions at the Garagem Sul, the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém on the 20th of February, 2019, in Lisbon. Organizer of the workshop with J. Maurer, A. Kalpakci and A. Tavares. With support from the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia. Available online at <https://www.ccb.pt/Default/en/GaragemSul/Conferences/Event?a=1612>.
  • 2019: The 37th International Congress of the Latin America Studies Association. Boston, chairing the panel “Architecture and Archives” with M. da Silva Pereira and P. Peixoto.
  • 2019: Who is in charge of Architecture? Architectural Competition, Networks and Public Discourse. Symposium on The Architect, Jury Member and Journalist Max Bächer’s Papers. Center for Critical Studies in Architecture CCSA, Goethe University Frankfurt, TUDA Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt. Workshop and Symposium organised with F. Lausch, C. Ruhl, C. Salge and O. Elser. Available online at < https://www.architektur.tu-darmstadt.de/fachbereich_architektur/aktuelles_fachbereich/news_archiv/news_2018/news_2018_details_92096.de.jsp>
  • 2018: Bauhaus – Architecture: Reception, Migration and Critique. Center for Critical Studies in Architecture CCSA and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt. Lecture Series organized with C. Ruhl, C. Salge and O. Elser. Available online at <http://criticalarchitecture.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/181001_CCS_DIN_A1_Plakat.pdf>
  • 2017: Opening the Black Box. On Architects and Films, gta/D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, Elective Seminar organised with J. Maurer.
  • 2017: The 2nd Parity Talks. D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, chairing the panel “Histories”, Colloquium organised with C. Malterre-Barthes, T. Lange, E. Perotti, et H. Stühlinger.
  • 2013: The 2nd Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory at the School of Architecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, April 2013. Event Organizer with P. Peixoto and M. Magalhães.
  • 2011 – 2013: PhD Talks. Colloquia at the ETHZ, Zurich. Event organized with A. Kockelkorn, C. Moll, G. Harbusch, A. Hagn, K. Foerster and M. Gleich.
  • 2011: The 1st Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory at the School of Architecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, December 2011. Event organized with P. Peixoto.
  • 2009: The 8th Seminar Docomomo Brazil. Cidade Moderna e Contemporânea: Síntese e Paradoxo das Artes, Palácio Gustavo Capanema, Rio de Janeiro, September 2009. Event organized with R. Segre, M. Azevedo [et al.].
  • 2008: The 1st Docomomo-Rio Colloquium. Panoramas do Moderno Fluminense - presente e futuro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, October 2008. Event organized with R. Segre, M. Azevedo [et al.].
Organization of Exhibitions
  • February – May 2019: Moving Constructions: Films from the Architecture Archive of gta / ETH Zurich at the Garagem Sul – Architecture Exhibitions of the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon. Curator of the exhibition with S. Henni, J. Maurer, A. Kalpakci and A. Tavares. With support from the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia. Available online at <https://www.ccb.pt/Default/en/GaragemSul/Exhibitions/CurrentExhibitions?a=161>.
  • September - December 2017: gta films, ETH Zurich, Curator of the exhibition with S. Henni, J. Maurer and A. Kalpakci.
  • April - June 2009: A rua é nossa, é de todos nós! La rue est à nous… tous!, Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro. Collaborator of the exhibition.
  • June 2006: Provocativa – Provocatrice. Maison du Brésil, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, France. Curator of the exhibition with M. Silva and T. Krüger.
  • February 2004: Conexão – Connection. University of Iowa, Iowa City, US. Curator of the exhibition with M. Correia [et al.].
Organization of Study Trips
  • October 2017: La Maison des Artists à la Sarraz et les CIAM, Switzerland. Study Trip organized for Art and Architectural historians of the ETH and the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  • June 2014: Le Corbusier in France and Switzerland. Study Trip organized for the members of the Laboratory of Urban Studies headed by Prof. M. da Silva Pereira, PROURB-FAU/UFRJ.
  • March 2013: EAHN - Architectural Trip to Rio de Janeiro. Trip as part of the EAHN Meeting in Brazil, ARCHITECTURAL ELECTIVE AFFINITIES: correspondences, transfers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • November 2009: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Bund Schweizer Architekten Zürich (BSA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • April 2009: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Prof. Claude Prelorenzo (Fondation Le Corbusier) and scholars of the Laboratoire Infrastructure, Architecture, Territoire at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (LIAT, ENSA-PM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • May 2008: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Chair of Architecture and Design Professor Adrian Meyer (DARCH-ETH-Zürich), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Guest critic and event moderator
  • 2018: CCSA Bauhaus Lecture "Italien. Manfredo Tafuris und Giulio Carlo Argans Position zur Moderne" with R. Hoekstra and C. Ruhl. DAM Frankfurt (event moderator)
  • 2018: CCSA Bauhaus Lecture "Cold War. Bauhäusler in the Soviet Union and the USA" with R. Geiser and D. Talesnik. DAM Frankfurt (event moderator)
  • 2018: 3rd Parity Talks. ETH Zurich (Chair of the panel "Histories" w/ C. Metz).
  • 2017: 2nd Parity Talks. ETH Zurich (event moderator w/ P. Ursprung).
  • 2017, 2016 and 2015: Critical Thinking Week, Chair Prof. Dr. M. Angelil, ETH Zurich (guest critic and event moderator).
  • 2011: Final Critiques. Villes Archipels. Atelier de la conception de l'espace, prof. D. Dietz, EPFL, Lausanne (guest critic).
  • 2009: Design & Build Brazil. UFRJ and Hogeschool van Amsterdam (workshop, event moderator).

Daniela Ortiz dos Santos is an architect and an architectural historian, whose work is at the crossroads of the cultural studies of art, literature and architecture. She studied Architecture and Urbanism in Buenos Aires (UBA) and in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and received her PhD in History and Theory of Architecture from the ETH Zurich.

Daniela's research, teaching, and curatorial activities focus on transatlantic architectural history and historiography. The intersection of international organizations and intellectual migration has been useful to an ongoing project that explores Latin America as a category and the architectural historiography of the region during the Cold War era. Entitled 'UNESCO Making Architecture Culture,' it explores the different forms of instrumentalization of culture and the arts, as well as the role of this organization in exercising a regional integration movement. 

Daniela is currently a fellow of the Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe (JQYA), being awarded a sabbatical fellowship for the Winter Semesters 2022. 

In 2022, she conceived the symposium “Architectural History and International Organizations" at the Goethe University (June), authored the chapter “Italian Roots in Latin American Architectural History" for the anthology Italian Imprints on Twentieth-Century Architecture published by Bloomsbury, and co-edited the publication Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis (ARCH+. February 2022), as well as a special edition on archives and architecture at the Scientific Journal of Architecture of the University of Brasilia Paranoá (January 2022).

Her work has also appeared in international conference proceedings organized by the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), the Documentation and Conservation of the buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement (DOCOMOMO), the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and the Iberian-American Network of Urban History.

Since 2018, Daniela has served as a scientific coordinator of the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA), a research cluster between the art history department of the Goethe University, the architecture department of the Technical University Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum.  She is also an Associate Fellow at the laboratório de estudos urbanos (leU-UFRJ) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.




  •  Italian Roots in Latin American Architectural History" (2022). In Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach (eds), Italian Imprints on Twentieth-Century Architectural. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 265-277, https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/italian-imprints-on-twentiethcentury-architecture-9781350257726/
  •   Anthropophagic Affairs: Le Corbusier, Paulo Prado and New World Revolutions." (2021) LC.Revue de recherches sur Le Corbusier, n.3 (2021): 62-75. Web. 30 March, 2021, https://polipapers.upv .es/index.php/LC/article/view/14807
  •   Invisible Files in Visible Institutions. Notes on Max Cetto's Papers" (2020), in CRITIQUE D'ART. Nr. 54 (Spring 2020): 123-143, https://journals.openedition.org/critiquedart/62131
  •   Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis, ARCH+, N. 246 (2022), guest editor with Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Torsten Lange, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos and Gabrielle Schaad, https://archplus.net/de/archiv/ausgabe/246/
  •   Arquitetura, Arquivos e Acervos (2022),thematic issue of the Scientific Journal Paranoá: Cadernos de arquitetura e urbanismo, guest editor with Maria Cristina Leme and Liz Sandoval, Spring 2022, https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/paranoa/issue/view/2401


  •  “Rewriting Landscapes of the Honorable Cannibal: Le Corbusier and Modern Visions of the World to Come", in Kirsten Kramer, Marius Littschwager and Julian Gaertner (eds.), Traveling, Narrating, Comparing. Travel Narratives of the Americas from the 18th to the 20th Century. Goettingen: at Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, (forthcoming)
  •  Bauhaus Clouds, Challenges to the Nebula of Architectural Histories and Archives, co-edited with Carsten Ruhl and Oliver Elser, Weimar: MBOOKS (forthcoming).


  • Architectural and Urban History and Historiography
  • Architectural Archives/Archiving Architecture
  • Architecture and Gender Studies
  • Questions of Travel and Displacement
  • Cultural history and International History of the Atlantic World


  • Sabbatical Fellowship Award (2022), Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe, Germany
  • Open Access Publications Award (2022), Johanna Quandt Young Academy at Goethe, Germany
  • GRADE Junior Research Fellowship Award (2021), FOCUS LINE A/B Program of the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers, Germany
  • Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowship (2021), Society of the Architectural Historians, United States of America
  • Grantee of Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia Funding and Cultural Promotion Award (2019) for the exhibition and workshop “Moving Constructions" at the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, Portugal
  • SNF Research Scholarship (2012-2015), Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland
  • CNPq Research Scholarship Program for Full Doctoral Studies Abroad (2012), Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil
  • CCA Collection Research Grant (2012), Canadian Centre for Architecture, Canada
  • D-ARCH/ETHZ PhD Scholarship (2011) ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • CAPES Scholarship for Master's Students (2008-2009), Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education, Brazil
  • Honorable Mention from the Brazilian Architects Institute in Rio de Janeiro (2008) for the research project on Brazilian Modern Houses, carried out at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Academic and Scientific Experience

  • April 2018 – to date: Lecturer at the Art History Department of the Goethe University (GU) in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
  • April 2018 – to date: Coordinator of the Centre for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA), the research cluster of the GU, the TU Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
  • August 2017 – January 2018: Lecturer at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, D-ARCH/ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
  • June 2017: PhD Exam defended at Department of Architecture of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Supervisor: Professor Dr. em. Ákos Moravánszky (gta/D-ARCH/ETH); Co-supervisors: Prof. em. Arthur Rüegg (D-ARCH/ETH), Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira (PROURB-FAU-UFRJ), and Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder (gta/D-ARCH/ETH); Title: "Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier: Voyages, Affinities and Anthropophagy". SNSF Research Project.
  • July 2010 – to date: Associate Fellow, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Member of the Laboratory of Urban Studies (LeU UFRJ) headed by Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira.
  • July 2012 – September 2012: PhD fellow at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal (Canada).
  • April 2009 – June 2010: Research for the Institut pour la ville en mouvement (IVM), Paris (France). Research Project ‘Ganar la calle! Compartir sin dividir’ headed by Prof. A. Borthagaray (http://ganarlacalle.org).
  • 2009: Master's Degree in Urbanism. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Margareth da Silva Pereira.
  • January 2008 – December 2009: Lecturer at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Laboratory of Urban Studies (LeU UFRJ).
  • 2007: Degree in Architecture. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Supervisor: Professor Dr. Beatriz Santos de Oliveira. Final Grade of the Diploma’s Project: Excellent.
  • August 2006 - December 2007: Scientific Assistant at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Laboratory of Urban Analysis and Digital Representation (Laurd) headed by Prof. Dr. R. Segre.
  • September 2005 – June 2006: Research Fellow at the Fondation Le Corbusier (France).

"Displacement and the Making of Modern Architecture: A South-South Perspective" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the International Conference Revisiting the Post-CIAM Generation: debates, proposals and intellectual framework, forthcoming publication.
"Practices of Traveling Between Architecture and Literature. American Encounters, New World Writing and the Modern Movement" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the Symposium Traveling, Narrating, Comparing. Travel Narratives of the Americas from the 18th to the 20th Century, forthcoming publication.
"Scenes of the Worlds to Come: Lucio Costa and Le Corbusier as Filmmakers" (2019), accepted paper to be published in the proceedings of the 37th International Congress of the Latin America Studies Association, forthcoming publication.
"Displacement and the Making of Latin American Architectural History" (2019), accepted paper to be presented in the EAHN conference Displacement & Domesticity Since 1945 in Brussels, forthcoming publication.
"Blaise Cendrars et Le Corbusier: villes et voyages utiles" (2018), in Komodo21 Blaise Cendrars en Correspondance, n.9 available online at < http://komodo21.fr/blaise-cendrars-corbusier-villes-voyages-utiles/>.
"Le Corbusier And The Americas: Affinities, Appropriations and Anthropophagy" (2015). In Jorge Torres, ed., Proceedings of Le Corbusier, 50 Years Later International Conference. Valencia, November 2015. available online at <http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/LC2015/LC2015/paper/viewFile/918/1328>.DOI:10.4995/LC2015.2015.
"Espaços, tempos, memórias e arquiteturas. Le Corbusier e Sigfried Giedion" (2014), with Margareth da Silva Pereira. Proceedings of the 3rd National Meeting of the Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture, available online at <http://www.anparq.org.br/dvd-enanparq-3/htm/Artigos/ST/ST-CDR-018 2_PEREIRA.SANTOS.pdf>.
"Le Corbusier voyageur: arquivos de uma experiência arquitetônica" (2011), with Mário Magalhães. In Sylvia Ficher, ed., Proceedings of the IX Docomomo Brazil Conference: interdisciplinarity and experiences in documentation and preservation of recent heritage. Brasília, July 2011. Available online at Docomomo Brazil webpage <http://docomomo.org.br/course/9-seminario-docomomo-brasil-brasilia/>.
"Le Corbusier and Rio de Janeiro: Time Space and Poetry" (2009). In Anthony Rizzuto, ed., Proceedings of the Annual Dean’s Symposium Le Corbusier Revisited.  Marietta GA: Southern Polytechnic State University, 2009, 29-33.
"Cartas sobre cartas – a contribuição silenciosa brasileira na construção dos primeiros Congressos Internacionais de Arquitetura Moderna" (2009), with Mário Magalhães and Priscilla Peixoto. In Roberto Segre et al., ed., Proceedings of the 8th Docomomo Brazil Conference: Cidade Moderna e Contemporânea: Síntese e Paradoxo das Artes. Rio de Janeiro, September 2009. Available online at Docomomo Brazil webpage: <http://www.docomomo.org.br/seminario%208%20pdfs/071.pdf>
"O resgate da unidade perdida: O teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2009), with Roberto Segre, Fernando Serapião and Thiago Souza. In Carlos Eduardo Comas, Marta Peixoto, Sergio M. Marques, ed., Proceedings of the 7th Docomomo Brazil Conference: O moderno já passado – o passado no moderno: reciclagem, requalificação, rearquitetura. Porto Alegre: Ed. UniRitter, 2009, 139-152.
"Bauhaus Architecture: Reception, Migration and Critique" (2019), proceedings of the CCSA Bauhaus Lecture Series, co-edited with Carsten Ruhl, Christiane Salge and Oliver Elser, forthcoming publication.
"Rio de Janeiro" (2009), with Margareth da Silva Pereira, Meindert Versteeg, Margaretha Grahn. In Andrés Borthagaray, ed., Ganar la calle: compartir sin dividir. Buenos Aires: Infinito, 2009, 30-39.
Guías de Arquitectura Latinoamericana: Rio de Janeiro, (2009), with Roberto Segre and Thiago Souza. Buenos Aires: Arte Gráfico Editorial Argentino, 2009.
"Praça Mauá: um portal dinâmico da Cidade Maravilhosa" (2008), with Roberto Segre. In Max Welch Guerra, Lilian Fessler Vaz and Luciana da Silva Andrade, ed., Os espaços públicos nas políticas urbanas: estudos sobre o Rio de Janeiro e Berlim. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2008, 149-165.
"Moving Constructions/ Construcões em Movimento" (2019). In Archivo, bulletin of the exhibition displayed at Garagem Sul, Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, with André Tavares, Andreas Kalpakci and Jacqueline Maurer.
"gta Films: Publiklation zu einer Ausstellung am gta der ETH Zürich"(2017). In gta Films: 15 films from the gta Archives from 1930 to 1998, with Samia Henni, Andreas Kalpakci and Jacqueline Maurer, Zurich, 29 September 2017 – 20 December 2017.
"Order is Order is Order. Le Corbusier and the Multiple Orders" (2012). Trans magazine 21, (Autumn 2012): 118-123
"O resgate da unidade perdida: o Teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2013). ArchDaily (March 2013), with R. Segre, F. Serapiao and T. L. de Souza, online available at <https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/01-102349/o-resgate-da-unidade-perdida-o-teatro-do-museu-de-arte-moderna-de-affonso-eduardo-reidy-roberto-segre>
"Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier: Voyages, Affinities and Anthropophagy" (2017). PhD diss. ETH Zurich, 2017.
“Pequeno Vocabulário de Le Corbusier” (2009). Master’s thesis. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

Selection of Presentations and Lectures

  • "Narratives of Displacement, the Savage Other and Modern Architecture" (2017). Guest Lecture in the course "Theory of Architecture 1" headed by Dr. Torsten Lange, ETH Zurich, 13 October 2017.
  • "Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier" (2017). Invited speaker at the 2nd Meeting "Correspondências" [Correspondence], Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 20 June 2017.
  • "Main amie et Main ouverte: écrits et histoires croisées entre Blaise Cendrars et Le Corbusier" (2017). Invitation to present a paper at the colloquium "Blaise Cendrars en Correspondance". Paris, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris 3, 27 January 2017.
  • "Le Corbusier And The Americas: From Travel Narratives to A New Architectural Discourse" (2016). Invited speaker at the Critical Thinking Session, Chair of Architecture and Design Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil, Zurich, 20 April 2016.
  • "Le Corbusier And The Americas: Affinities, Appropriations and Anthropophagy" (2015). Selected paper presented at the Conference Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia, 18-20 November 2015.
  • "In Between Travel and Anthropophagy: Le Corbusier, the Favella and the Conquistadores" (2015). Invited speaker at the Critical Thinking Session, Chair of Architecture and Design Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil, Zurich, 22 April 2015.
  • "Espaços, tempos, memórias e arquiteturas. Le Corbusier e Sigfried Giedion" (2014), with M. da Silva Pereira. Selected paper presented at the 3rd National Meeting of the Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism ENANPARQ, Sao Paulo, 20-24 October 2014.
  • "The American Experience and the Baroque Concerns: Notes on Modern’s Re-Emergences of a Crisis Sensibility" (2014), with M. da Silva Pereira and Mario Magalhães. Presentation at the 15th International Baroque Summer Course, Werner Oechslin Library, Einsiedeln, 16-20 June 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier em questão. Temporalidades, representações e visões de mundo acerca do urbanismo 1922-1933" (2014). Lecture presented at the School of Architecture at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 October 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier's Correspondence. A Talk in the gta Archives" (2014). Paper presented at the Doctoral Seminar "Methods in the History of Art and Architecture", ETH Zürich, 16 October 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier Voyageur: Narratives and Representation of Italy" (2014). Lecture at the Seminar Week "A New City [or] Napoli", organized by Guest Prof. A. Bucci ETH Zürich, Albergo Nettuno, Napoli, Italy, 16 March 2014.
  • "Le Corbusier and the Concrete" (2013). Presentation at the PhD Seminars "Materiality in History and Theory of Architecture", organized by the Chair of Theory of Architecture Prof. Dr. Ákos Moravánszky, Zurich, Autumn, 2013.
  • "Routes of Modernity. Le Corbusier and the Journey to Brazil in 1929" (2013). Invited Speaker at Prokalo Seminars, Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Postgraduate Seminar Series, Edinburgh, 23 April 2013.
  • "Le Corbusier, leitor de Michel de Montaigne" (2013). Paper presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory LeU-FAU-UFRJ, organized by Prof. M. Da Silva Pereira and guest critics Prof. Dr. Paola Berenstein, Prof. Dr. Cristina Cabral, Dr. Ana Pessoa and Dr. Guilherme Bueno, Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 1 April 2013.
  • "Des Histories américaines, des histories du Brésil. In between voyages and words: Le Corbusier and Blaise Cendrars’ exchanges and understandings of Brazil" (2013). Selected paper presented at the EAHN/FAUUSP Conference. Architectural Elective Affinities: Correspondences, Transfers, Inter/multidisciplinarity, Universidade de São Paulo, 21-24 March 2013.
  • "Le véritable Voyage" (2013). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Dr. Lukasz Stanek, ETH Zürich, 5 March 2013.
  • "Le Corbusier and the Journey to Brazil in 1929" (2012). Selected paper presented at the 3rd Nomad Seminar in Historiography. Narratives of Travel Writing and Architectural History. Middle East Technical University-Ankara, Turkey, 8-9 November 2012.
  • "Images to Poetic Reaction. Le Corbusier as Photographer" (2012). Paper presented at the PhD Seminars "Le Corbusier et la Photographie", organized by Prof. Tim Benton, EPFL Lausanne, Spring 2012.
  • "Le Corbusier and Blaise Cendrars" (2011). Paper presented at the 1st Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory, organized by Prof. Margareth Pereira and guest critics Prof. Dr. Cecilia Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Ivone Salgado and Dr. Ana Pessoa, Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 13 December 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars and the Brazilian Adventure. The architect's readings of the poet's work" (2011). Invited speaker at the Werkstatt für Kulturgeschichte. Kolloquium für Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, gta/ETH Zürich, 5 December 2011.
  • "Biographies et discours croisés: Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars and the Brazilian Adventure" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Mark Jarzombek, ETH Zürich,16 September 2011.
  • "Biographies et discours croisés: Le Corbusier, Blaise Cendrars et l'aventure brésilienne" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Seminars Les idées de Le Corbusier, organized by Prof. Tim Benton, EPFL Lausanne, Spring 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier voyageur" (2011). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Alessandra Ponte, ETH Zürich, 10 February 2011.
  • "Le Corbusier in travelling: imaginaries and representations of Brazil, 1929" (2010). Paper presented at the PhD Colloquium, organized by Prof. Dr. Á. Moravánszky and Prof. Dr. L. Stalder, and guest critic Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, ETH Zürich, 24 August 2010.
  • "Cartas sobre cartas – a contribuição silenciosa brasileira na construção dos primeiros Congressos Internacionais de Arquitetura Moderna CIAM" (2009). Selected paper presented at the 8th Seminar Docomomo Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-4 September 2009.
  • "Twentieth-century History of the Theories of Urbanism" (2008-2009). A series of 32 lectures held at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2008 – July 2009.
  • "Le Corbusier and Rio de Janeiro: Time, Space and Poetry" (2009). Selected paper presented at the Annual Dean’s Architecture Symposium. Le Corbusier: Architecture, Urbanism and Theory, Southern Polytechnic State University, Atlanta, USA, 26-28 February 2009.
  • "On Morro da Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro" (2009). Lecture at the workshop Design & Build Brazil. Formal and Informal City, Department of Architectural Engineering of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 February 2009.
  • "O resgate da unidade perdida: O teatro do Museu de Arte Moderna de Affonso Eduardo Reidy" (2007). Selected paper presented at the 7th Seminar Docomomo Brasil, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 22-24 October 2007.
  • "1945-1970: How the media built Brazilian architecture" (2004), with Beatriz Santos de Oliveira. Selected paper presented at the 8th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Columbia University, New York, 26 September - 2 October 2004.

Organization of Seminars and Colloquia
  • 2019: Moving Constructions at the Garagem Sul, the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém on the 20th of February, 2019, in Lisbon. Organizer of the workshop with J. Maurer, A. Kalpakci and A. Tavares. With support from the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia. Available online at <https://www.ccb.pt/Default/en/GaragemSul/Conferences/Event?a=1612>.
  • 2019: The 37th International Congress of the Latin America Studies Association. Boston, chairing the panel “Architecture and Archives” with M. da Silva Pereira and P. Peixoto.
  • 2019: Who is in charge of Architecture? Architectural Competition, Networks and Public Discourse. Symposium on The Architect, Jury Member and Journalist Max Bächer’s Papers. Center for Critical Studies in Architecture CCSA, Goethe University Frankfurt, TUDA Darmstadt and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt. Workshop and Symposium organised with F. Lausch, C. Ruhl, C. Salge and O. Elser. Available online at < https://www.architektur.tu-darmstadt.de/fachbereich_architektur/aktuelles_fachbereich/news_archiv/news_2018/news_2018_details_92096.de.jsp>
  • 2018: Bauhaus – Architecture: Reception, Migration and Critique. Center for Critical Studies in Architecture CCSA and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt. Lecture Series organized with C. Ruhl, C. Salge and O. Elser. Available online at <http://criticalarchitecture.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/181001_CCS_DIN_A1_Plakat.pdf>
  • 2017: Opening the Black Box. On Architects and Films, gta/D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, Elective Seminar organised with J. Maurer.
  • 2017: The 2nd Parity Talks. D-ARCH/ETH Zurich, chairing the panel “Histories”, Colloquium organised with C. Malterre-Barthes, T. Lange, E. Perotti, et H. Stühlinger.
  • 2013: The 2nd Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory at the School of Architecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, April 2013. Event Organizer with P. Peixoto and M. Magalhães.
  • 2011 – 2013: PhD Talks. Colloquia at the ETHZ, Zurich. Event organized with A. Kockelkorn, C. Moll, G. Harbusch, A. Hagn, K. Foerster and M. Gleich.
  • 2011: The 1st Meeting of the Urban Studies Laboratory at the School of Architecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, December 2011. Event organized with P. Peixoto.
  • 2009: The 8th Seminar Docomomo Brazil. Cidade Moderna e Contemporânea: Síntese e Paradoxo das Artes, Palácio Gustavo Capanema, Rio de Janeiro, September 2009. Event organized with R. Segre, M. Azevedo [et al.].
  • 2008: The 1st Docomomo-Rio Colloquium. Panoramas do Moderno Fluminense - presente e futuro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, October 2008. Event organized with R. Segre, M. Azevedo [et al.].
Organization of Exhibitions
  • February – May 2019: Moving Constructions: Films from the Architecture Archive of gta / ETH Zurich at the Garagem Sul – Architecture Exhibitions of the Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon. Curator of the exhibition with S. Henni, J. Maurer, A. Kalpakci and A. Tavares. With support from the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia. Available online at <https://www.ccb.pt/Default/en/GaragemSul/Exhibitions/CurrentExhibitions?a=161>.
  • September - December 2017: gta films, ETH Zurich, Curator of the exhibition with S. Henni, J. Maurer and A. Kalpakci.
  • April - June 2009: A rua é nossa, é de todos nós! La rue est à nous… tous!, Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro. Collaborator of the exhibition.
  • June 2006: Provocativa – Provocatrice. Maison du Brésil, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, France. Curator of the exhibition with M. Silva and T. Krüger.
  • February 2004: Conexão – Connection. University of Iowa, Iowa City, US. Curator of the exhibition with M. Correia [et al.].
Organization of Study Trips
  • October 2017: La Maison des Artists à la Sarraz et les CIAM, Switzerland. Study Trip organized for Art and Architectural historians of the ETH and the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  • June 2014: Le Corbusier in France and Switzerland. Study Trip organized for the members of the Laboratory of Urban Studies headed by Prof. M. da Silva Pereira, PROURB-FAU/UFRJ.
  • March 2013: EAHN - Architectural Trip to Rio de Janeiro. Trip as part of the EAHN Meeting in Brazil, ARCHITECTURAL ELECTIVE AFFINITIES: correspondences, transfers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • November 2009: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Bund Schweizer Architekten Zürich (BSA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • April 2009: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Prof. Claude Prelorenzo (Fondation Le Corbusier) and scholars of the Laboratoire Infrastructure, Architecture, Territoire at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (LIAT, ENSA-PM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • May 2008: Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Chair of Architecture and Design Professor Adrian Meyer (DARCH-ETH-Zürich), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Guest critic and event moderator
  • 2018: CCSA Bauhaus Lecture "Italien. Manfredo Tafuris und Giulio Carlo Argans Position zur Moderne" with R. Hoekstra and C. Ruhl. DAM Frankfurt (event moderator)
  • 2018: CCSA Bauhaus Lecture "Cold War. Bauhäusler in the Soviet Union and the USA" with R. Geiser and D. Talesnik. DAM Frankfurt (event moderator)
  • 2018: 3rd Parity Talks. ETH Zurich (Chair of the panel "Histories" w/ C. Metz).
  • 2017: 2nd Parity Talks. ETH Zurich (event moderator w/ P. Ursprung).
  • 2017, 2016 and 2015: Critical Thinking Week, Chair Prof. Dr. M. Angelil, ETH Zurich (guest critic and event moderator).
  • 2011: Final Critiques. Villes Archipels. Atelier de la conception de l'espace, prof. D. Dietz, EPFL, Lausanne (guest critic).
  • 2009: Design & Build Brazil. UFRJ and Hogeschool van Amsterdam (workshop, event moderator).

Kunstgeschichtliches Institut
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